it is possible the public will say that it is not moral to charge the inheritance tax from and espicallay in such a fragile situtaion as death of a love one. in addition the asstets had already been taxed so why the government need to tax twice on the same assets.
דניאל בן צבי
the tax will reduce inequality, and will allow the public to choose where they want to influence with the new recruited funds in the society. further more the new funds will improve the government services the public receive.
Last Posts
it is possible the public will say that it is not moral to charge the inheritance tax from and espicallay in such a fragile situtaion as death of a love one. in addition the asstets had already been taxed so why the government need to tax twice on the same assets.
the tax will reduce inequality, and will allow the public to choose where they want to influence with the new recruited funds in the society. further more the new funds will improve the government services the public receive.
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מפת השיקולים
מס עיזבון אינו הוגן – 7 דקות
from Daily Express
כיצד ניתן לצמצם מס עזבון (6 דקות)
from U.S. News & World Report
העשירים בורחים מצרפת – 5 דקות
from France 24
אי השוויון עוד גדול מכפי שחשבתם – 7 דקות
מבוסס על עבודתם של נורטון ואריאלי
דניאל בן צבי
Iskender Dink